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Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105

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Elle Soros volunteered as Pro Bono Counsel for Washtenaw County Expungement Fair

Elle Soros, attorney at Pear, Sperling, Eggan & Daniels, P.C. volunteered as Pro Bono legal counsel for the Washtenaw County Expungement Fair on May 17, 2024. This event was organized through the State of Michigan, the Attorney General’s office and a nonprofit organization.

“When I was in Law School, I did a clinical internship in the Sixty Plus Law Clinic and learned about the Innocence Project, and how much it changes the lives of wrongfully convicted people,” says Elle Soros. “All this had a profound impact on me, and I have volunteered since then for various causes.” This expungement project is newer, under the Clean Slate Act, and it is based on law changes in MI giving people the opportunity to have certain eligible convictions expunged. So, I volunteered for it. Great training was provided, and I worked with applicants to determine eligibility, and to get them through the initial application process for the court filing,” says Elle Soros.

The Clean Slate Act states that “a person convicted of 1 or more criminal offenses, but not more than a total of 3 felony offenses, in this State, may apply to have all of his or her convictions from this state set aside.” MCL 780.621(1)(A)                                               

Elle is heavily involved in the community. She’s always giving back and willing to lend a helping hand wherever possible. Learn more about Elle Soros, attorney in Ann Arbor at Pear, Sperling, Eggan & Daniels, P.C. She focuses her practice on Business, Real Estate, Consumer Law, Employment and Labor Law, and Bankruptcy Law in Michigan.

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